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Wed, 03 Aug 2011

I'm speaking at the Desktop Summit

I'm attending the Desktop Summit

Actually, I'm speaking there!

In two days, I'm going to be in Berlin talking about how to Get new contributors (and diversity) through outreach.

It shares a title with the talk I gave at PyCon, and I expect it will be similar. There are some points I will improve on, and some new pieces to cover:

In high school, I used to read the Dot daily. I was surprised and thrilled to see that they chose to list my talk in their announcement of the summit.

If you'll be there, too, let me know! Let's hang out.

And if you want to work one-on-one(-ish) on helping your project improve diversity or outreach, I will be in Berlin until August 14, and extremely happy to spend time with people.

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