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Wed, 17 Aug 2011

OpenHatch round two: the non-profit

For the past year or two, readers of (including those on Planet Debian) have been hearing on and off about OpenHatch, a project that began in Atlanta two summers ago.

The OpenHatch website has been a place to find out how new contributors can get involved in free software. Lately, I've discovered how much fun it is to help people get involved. I've also discovered oodles of enthusiasm for learning more about joining an open source project.

So I've been transitioning OpenHatch to be more of a non-profit and to work on more of those outreach events, and particularly I've been transitioning my life to support me (self-funded) working on that effort full-time for a year. If there's one thing I learned while creating a startup under incubation, it was how to save money.

The OpenHatch blog has the rest of the story. Here's a taste:

I’m writing to announce three big changes for the project. First, OpenHatch is changing its organizational structure to reflect our not-for-profit goals. Second, we’ll emphasize our new work beyond the website, building and promoting outreach events that bring new people into the free software community. Finally, I am taking a year to do that full-time as the project lead of OpenHatch in Somerville, MA.

This change has been a long-time coming, and it's thanks to so many people who have given advice and feedback along the way. One special shout-out goes to Bradley Kuhn, who told me in March 2010 that OpenHatch should be a non-profit.

I hope you'll read more.

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