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Wed, 04 Mar 2009

Segmentation grace

Ladies and gentlemen, it seems that Google has finally done it: they shipped Multics for 386 (and compatible).

NoiseBridge, this evening: I descended the stairs after teaching my introduction to programming class and found Geoff Schmidt in our San Francisco hacker space.

I sat next to Geoff and overheard a lovely conversation with Mike Kan. Geoff told the sad tale of a beautiful, efficient, and dead operating system: Multics. Multics was written in the 1960s as a fast operating system for many users to share an expensive mainframe. It posed design problems never seriously tackled before, and after a decade, it had a practically perfect implementation for each of them. To achieve speed, it expected help from the hardware: registers on the processor split memory into different "segments," creating safe zones for each program to run in. The segment system was powerful and secure enough that a running process could execute code from another without the operating system kernel getting involved. The result was a fantasy come true: protection rings creating legendary security, the flexibility of a multi-user, multi-tasking operating system, and all this at hardly any performance overhead.

(Naturally, such perfection is the result of years of work at MIT. So is Geoff.)

This perfection came at a price: while Multics was uniquely well-designed and well-integrated, it expected specific support from the hardware it ran on.

Geoff's expression deflated, and he pointed out that another operating system arrived on the scene: UNIX. Anyone could study the UNIX source code, and it ran on whatever you gave it. UNIX (a joke on the name Multics) eventually won by being worse: it was slow, unreliable, and worst of all: incorrect. But anyone could read it and make it work on the computer he happened to have. By the mid-1970s, UNIX's dominance over Multics was clear.

Geoff skipped forward a decade to the 1980s. Intel had wanted to build a CPU that could be used as a modern computer, and users had shown that the puny memory protection system offered by the 286 wasn't adequate. The chip designers went back to the drawing board, and they brought back features that Multics invented: segmentation registers and protection rings. When shown these powerful, complex features, today's operating systems mostly ignore these Multics tricks and do the least work possible to build a UNIX-like flat memory model.

Mike interrupted and howled about how he can't buy a "real Macintosh" anymore; Apple's computers were once based on a simple architecture, but now they are built with the same complex Intel CPUs everyone else uses.

But I am writing this because of the release of Google Native Client, a browser extension that allows your computer to securely run machine code written by untrusted people on the Internet. How can it achieve this fantasy? The Wikipedia article summarizes the native client research paper:

Native Client is notable for its novel sandboxing technique which makes use of the x86 architecture's rarely-used segmentation facility.

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