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Sat, 07 Mar 2009

That LJ post about Watchmen - Yeah, it sucked

My friend Lisa pointed me to Andrei's review of Watchmen.

The review begins with surprises. In the edited version that is online now, we learn watching the movie caused "the destruction of all of [Andrei's] hopes and dreams." That's a sizable investment for a movie based on a comic book. Furthermore, he writes on his LiveJournal post that he felt "punished with awkward sex and slow-mo violence." One would think that a LJer would be pleased with both of those!

Andrei asks, "Is producing copious amounts of blood the only way to generate a dark mood?" This must be a rhetorical question; any LJer worth his salt knows that changing the theme and typing in all lowercase can do that, too. (In fairness, Lisa points out that this is difficult to achieve in a movie.)

Lisa mentions that a previous version of the post called people who like the movie "sheep." It's good that Andrei does not call them goats, else he raise the ire of Frank the Goat, LiveJournal's beloved mascot. Presumably Frank's global fanbase would have risen up in anger, too. (Frank the Goat has previously written about his ambivalence about not being a sheep.)

There are many things in this review I would not have said. Despite the temptation, I would especially not have shared this utterance with my new friend Quinn, the first person I know to have seen the movie: "Comedian bad, but torn and damaged individual."

The story of Andrei's post is a case study in dramatic irony. He writes of the voice acting, "We got the same crap Bale did in Batman where he thinks making your voice gravelly gives it more gravitas. No, it doesn't." It seems that Andrei thinks calling your friends sheep gives your voice more gravitas. As his friends teach him in the comment section: No, it doesn't.

At least Andrei's user picture (unmodified from original) does elicit the appropriate sense of gravitas.

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